Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today we did a game....its more of a puzzel peace...I guess its kool...I like it.
Its was great

Monday, June 23, 2008

Today we learn so much about that data that it even scard me...theres so many bad things that could happen right out the bat. So watch out!

Friday, June 20, 2008

On the Dart Tour today I learn so pretty kool stuff, I can't really tell you off the bat, but I do know, is that Dart runs with so much power dealing with computers. I really like the first office we went to, I asked the hispanic man many question even though they weren't out lound were ever one else heard me. When it comes to a 9/11 situation, Dart has it kool with everthing, by the way that was one of the questions. I think I learn a little bit more about Dart even though some of my family already works in it and I already knew some of the answers to the questions. And what I think about Dart...I guess I always thought its something good for the community, it runs on power, not gas, so its good for all.Like the tour, hey, its best when you learn when your there in person with the tools that you have to work with.
Thank You

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Today I had a great time learning about Alice and how to make a mini clip video thing using characters and Action and so many other things that are kool.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Voice Over IP

Love Today! It was the best, I had a great time on the voice over IP cause we all got to learn each other and just had a great time...Oh and I like playing the game we played....I got to learn more for the quiz that Mr. Martinez has for us.


Hardware was ok to learn, its not something I like much but I'm ok learning about it. I like Mr. Martinez as my teacher....he's a great guy, he's there for me when I need him...great guy


I thought thought the class was ok, I just didn't do so good as I wated to because I mest up most of the time, but I got it right at the end....Oh! I like the peer to peer, that was funny and fun.